Monday, June 17, 2019

Watch out Connor McDavid...

I went ice skating yesterday! And unlike last time, I lasted close to an hour on the ice. I got some speed going and kinda sorted figured out taking the corners.

Mind you, I skated the whole time with a stack of five gallon buckets to keep myself upright and mostly balanced. A few more sessions on the ice and I should be able to forgo the buckets. :0)

Who's Connor McDavid you ask?

Well, Connor McDavid has won the fastest skater competition at the NHL All Star weekend for the past three years. He's a forward for the Edmonton Oilers when he's not winning skating events. :0)


I'm off to Lake Conroe come Thursday for four wonderful days of fun, sun (I hope), and writing with my favorite women on the planet. My swimsuit came in last week, but it was way too big, so I requested an exchange, which I don't think is going to arrive on time. I'll be wearing shorts and a tee-shirt this year, which, all things considered, matters little. I'll be there. That's what counts.

While I'm down in that neck of the woods, I get to see my Brown Eyed Girl and meet a friend for lunch. It's gonna be a great weekend.


My after-the-meeting meeting shrunk to two of us this past Saturday. On a good day there's five of us, but one gal works nights, so she's had to go home to sleep before her shift for months now. Another is planning to move and had to go view her new digs. And the other wasn't feeling well,  so she ended up going home.

But C and I had a great few hours together and a really cute server to check in every once in a while to boot. Not only did I head home feeling buoyed as I always do, but C and I talked about that book 7 I was/am having issues with and I feel much better about it and she suggested a scene that's going to make it so much better--when I get to back to working on it after October.


Hope y'all had a wonderful weekend too. Come tell me what you did.

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