Friday, May 18, 2012

More items crossed off the list...

Well, we're about halfway through the month and several more items will be crossed off my TO DO list...

Tonight is Sonshine's band banquet. I'm looking forward to it and I wonder if Sonshine will get anything this year. Last year's award was a surprise. I probably should have gotten something for the band director, but what? I had an idea, but there wasn't enough time to execute. Plus she's moving in June so I don't really want to give her more things she has to pack. Ah, well...maybe next year when she retires.

Tomorrow is writer meeting day--chapter board meeting, chapter general meeting, and critique partner meeting. Yep, it's going to be a long, busy day, but that's okay.

Today should be a nice quiet day and I'm hoping to get some writing done. I need today's words and an equal number left towards tomorrow's words.

And that is about all I have to say for the day, except...

Have a great weekend!!

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