Monday, October 24, 2011

Moving slow, but still trucking...

I'm pretty tuckered out. It was a long, busy weekend.

Friday night we (the band) had a football game, of course. It was homecoming. We were visitors (HUH??) and we lost.

Saturday we attended U.I.L. We didn't advance to area, though a lot of bands didn't. I am of mixed feelings about this. Yeah, it would have been way cool and a lot of people in the know at the competition couldn't believe it, but on the other hand, we're all tired and ready for marching season to be over. While it was a very long day, one good thing was that, in the end, we didn't use the prop. It was too windy and there weren't enough helpers to wrangle the prop as well as the pit percussion onto the field. The band director was disappointed, but I was relieved.

Saturday night we had three extra boys spend the night at our house, of the boys, bless his heart, said to my son, "You have a cool house and really cool parents." Awww...

Sunday we (some of us) worked Dallas Cowboys Stadium.

Needless to say, I didn't get much done in terms of my yard. I did get a mower and a weed whacker and I have my plan in place. Tomorrow I'm taking half a day and DD and I will be making a dump run and attacking the yard.

I'll keep you posted.


mtnchild said...

You still did get a lot done. Sorry the band didn't advance, but from what you have said they still did awesome!

I got the 'drip' in the tub drain fixed - just a loose drain. Tightened it right up and no drip under the house, and no icy stalactite under the house in the winter!! I also replaced the flapper in the toilet.

Am now working on cleaning the front porch so some of the craft stuff can migrate back out there for when Susan comes.

So we've both been busy. Feels good doesn't it.
Love you

Jen FitzGerald said...

Yep, it does feel good to get something accomplished. I've been a slug for so long.