Wednesday, October 6, 2010

School District Competition

Last night, our marching band performed their program, Ocean Quest, at the school district's inter-city competition. This time, unlike Saturday, we competed against at least two other schools. And we brought home some gold!!

Both our color guard and our drum line took first place. WOOT!! Quite a feat for the color guard considering there are only two of them. :)

Now they need a little work on their music, toning the drums down and getting the woodwinds to play louder, but the director thinks they'll be able get that worked out in time for Saturday's competition.

Now, if we could just get the hauling of the prop on and off the field a little more finessed. Of course it would help if we always had the same people every time. But what can you do?

1 comment:

Regina Richards said...

Congrats on bringing home the gold!